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Volume 9, Number 3, September 2019

This paper presents the comparison between SFT response with linear and nonlinear cables. The dynamic response analysis of submerged floating tunnel (SFT) is presented computationally with linear and nonlinear tension legs cables. The analysis is performed computationally for two wave directions one at 90 degrees (perpendicular) to tunnel and other at 45 degrees to the tunnel. The tension legs or cables are assumed as linear and non- linear and the analysis is also performed by assuming one tension leg or cable is failed. The Response Amplitude Operators (RAO\'s) are computed for first order waves, second order waves for both failure and non-failure case of cables. For first order waves- the SFT response is higher for sway and heave degree of freedom with nonlinear cables as compared with linear cables. For second order waves the SFT response in sway degree of freedom is bit higher response with linear cables as compared with nonlinear cables and the SFT in heave degree of freedom has higher response at low time periods with nonlinear cables as compared with linear cables. For irregular waves the power spectral densities (PSD\'s) has been computed for sway and heave degrees of freedom, at 450 wave direction PSD\'s are higher with linear cables as compared with nonlinear cables and at 900 wave direction the PSD\'s are higher with non-linear cables. The mooring force responses are also computed in y and z directions for linear and nonlinear cables.

Key Words
dynamic response analysis; submerged floating tunnel; linear cables; non-linear cables; tension legs

Poorna Chandra Rao Yarramsetty and P. Poluraju: Department of civil engineering, KLEF, Vaddeswaram (AP) - 522502, India
Vamshikrishna Domala: Department of Petroleum Engineering and Earth Sciences, UPES, Bidholi, Dehradun (UK) - 248007, India
R. Sharma: Department of Ocean Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai (TN) - 600036, India

This paper presents a fully three-dimensional numerical approach for analyzing deepwater drilling riser-conductor system vortex-induced vibrations (VIV) including nonlinear soil-structure interactions (SSI). The drilling riser-conductor system is modeled as a tensioned beam with linearly distributed tension and is solved by a fully implicit discretization scheme. The fluid field around the riser-conductor system is obtained by Finite-Analytic Navier-Stokes (FANS) code, which numerically solves the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations. The SSI is considered by modeling the lateral soil resistance force according to nonlinear p-y curves. Overset grid method is adopted to mesh the fluid domain. A partitioned fluid-structure interaction (FSI) method is achieved by communication between the fluid solver and riser motion solver. A riser-conductor system VIV simulation without SSI is firstly presented and served as a benchmark case for the subsequent simulations. Two SSI models based on a nonlinear p-y curve are then applied to the VIV simulations. Also, the effects of two key soil properties on the VIV simulations of riser-conductor systems are studied.

Key Words
CFD simulation; vortex induced vibrations; fluid-structure interaction; nonlinear soil-structure interaction; riser-conductor system

Maokun Ye: Department of Ocean Engineering, Texas A&M University, USA
Hamn-Ching Chen: Zachry Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Ocean Engineering,
Texas A&M University, USA

Nowadays in offshore industry there are emerging hazards with vague property such as act of terrorism, act of war, unforeseen natural disasters such as tsunami, etc. Therefore industry professionals such as offshore energy insurers, safety engineers and risk managers in order to determine the failure rates and frequencies for the potential hazards where there is no data available, they need to use an appropriate method to overcome this difficulty. Furthermore in conventional risk based analysis models such as when using a fault tree analysis, hazards with vague properties are normally waived and ignored. In other word in previous situations only a traditional probability based fault tree analysis could be implemented. To overcome this shortcoming fuzzy set theory is applied to fault tree analysis to combine the known and unknown data in which the pre-combined result will be determined under a fuzzy environment. This has been fulfilled by integration of a generic bow-tie based risk analysis model into the risk assessment phase of the Risk Management (RM) cycles as a backbone of the phase. For this reason Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Event Tree Analysis (ETA) are used to analyse one of the significant risk factors associated in offshore terminals. This process will eventually help the insurers and risk managers in marine and offshore industries to investigate the potential hazards more in detail if there is vagueness. For this purpose a case study of offshore terminal while coinciding with the nature of the Caspian Sea was decided to be examined.

Key Words
risk analysis; risk management; fault tree analysis; event tree analysis; bow-tie model; fuzzy set theory; offshore terminals; Caspian Sea

Kambiz Mokhtari and Jamshid Amanee: ECO College of Insurance, Allameh Tabataba\'i University, Tehran, Iran

Comprehensive understanding of the flood risk assessments via frequency analysis often demands multivariate designs under the different notations of return periods. Flood is a tri-variate random consequence, which often pointing the unreliability of univariate return period and demands for the joint dependency construction by accounting its multiple intercorrelated flood vectors i.e., flood peak, volume & durations. Selecting the most parsimonious probability functions for demonstrating univariate flood marginals distributions is often a mandatory pre-processing desire before the establishment of joint dependency. Especially under copulas methodology, which often allows the practitioner to model univariate marginals separately from their joint constructions. Parametric density approximations often hypothesized that the random samples must follow some specific or predefine probability density functions, which usually defines different estimates especially in the tail of distributions. Concentrations of the upper tail often seem interesting during flood modelling also, no evidence exhibited in favours of any fixed distributions, which often characterized through the trial and error procedure based on goodness-of-fit measures. On another side, model performance evaluations and selections of best-fitted distributions often demand precise investigations via comparing the relative sample reproducing capabilities otherwise, inconsistencies might reveal uncertainty. Also, the strength & weakness of different fitness statistics usually vary and having different extent during demonstrating gaps and dispensary among fitted distributions. In this literature, selections efforts of marginal distributions of flood variables are incorporated by employing an interactive set of parametric functions for event-based (or Block annual maxima) samples over the 50-years continuously-distributed streamflow characteristics for the Kelantan River basin at Gulliemard Bridge, Malaysia. Model fitness criteria are examined based on the degree of agreements between cumulative empirical and theoretical probabilities. Both the analytical as well as graphically visual inspections are undertaken to strengthen much decisive evidence in favour of best-fitted probability density.

Key Words
flood; block (annual) maxima; parametric functions; marginal distribution; goodness-of-fit

Shahid Latif and Firuza Mustafa: Department of Geography, University of Malaya, 50603, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The shipbuilding industry is characterized by order production, and various processes are performed simultaneously in the construction of ships. Therefore, effective management of the production process and productivity improvement form important key factors in the industry. For decades, researchers and process managers have attempted to improve processes by using business process analysis (BPA). However, conventional BPA is time-consuming, expensive, and mainly based on subjective results generated by employees, which may not always correspond to the actual conditions. This paper proposes a method to improve the production process of offshore plant modules by analysing the process mining data obtained from the shipbuilding industry. Process mining uses information accumulated from the system-provided event logs to generate a process model and determine the values hidden within the process. The discovered process is visualized as a process model. Subsequently, alternatives are proposed by brainstorming problems (such as bottlenecks or idle time) in the process. The results of this study can aid in productivity improvement (idle time or bottleneck reduction in the production process) in conjunction with a six-sigma technique or ERP system. In future, it is necessary to study the standardization of the module production processes and development of the process monitoring system.

Key Words
shipbuilding industry; production process; process mining; productivity improvement

Sung-chul Shin: Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Pusan National University, Korea
Seon Yeob Kim: Department of Marine engineering, Gyeongsang National University, Korea
Chun-Myoung Noh, Soon-sup Lee and Jae-chul Lee: Department of Ocean System engineering, Gyeongsang National University, Korea

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