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Volume 45, Number 1, October10 2022 |
- Semi-Rigid connections in steel structures: State-of-the-Art report on modelling, analysis and design Huseyin Kursat Celik and Gokhan Sakar
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Abstract; Full Text (1985K) . | pages 1-21. | DOI: 10.12989/scs.2022.45.1.001 |
In the structural analysis of steel frames, joints are generally considered as rigid or hinged considering their moment
transfer ability. However, the first studies conducted with the beginning of the 20th century showed that the joints do not actually
fit these two definitions. In reality, a joint behaves between these two extreme points and is called semi-rigid. Including the
actual state of the joint in the structural analysis provides significant economic advantages, so the subject is an intense field of
study today. However, it does not find enough application area in practice. For this reason, a large-scale literature published from
the first studies on the subject to the present has been examined within the scope of the study. Three important points have been
identified in order to examine a joint realistically; modelling the load-displacement relationship, performing the structural
analysis and how to design. Joint modelling methods were grouped under 7 main headings as analytical, empirical, mechanical,
numerical, informational, hybrid and experimental. In addition to the moment-rotation, other important external load effects like
axial force, shear and torsion were considered. Various evaluations were made to expand the practical application area of semirigid connections by examining analysis methods and design approaches. Dynamic behaviour was also included in the study,
and besides column-beam connections, other important connection types such as beam-beam, column-beam-cross, base
connection were also examined in this paper.
Key Words
semi-rigid; steel connection; moment-rotation; frame analysis; steel design; joint modelling
Huseyin Kursat Celik:Department of Civil Engineering, the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Dokuz Eylul University,
Tinaztepe Campus, Izmir, Turkey
Gokhan Sakar:Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Dokuz Eylul University, Tinaztepe Campus, Izmir, Turkey
- Test and analysis of concrete-filled double steel and double skin tubular columns having outer stainless steel tube Serkan Tokgoz, Sedat Karaahmetli and Cengiz Dundar
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Abstract; Full Text (3829K) . | pages 23-38. | DOI: 10.12989/scs.2022.45.1.023 |
This paper presents experimental and analytical studies of eccentrically loaded concrete-filled double steel (CFDST)
and concrete-filled double skin tube (DCFST) columns having outer stainless steel tube. Eighteen CFDST and DCFST column
specimens were manufactured and tested to examine the strength and load-deflection responses. In the study, the main
parameters were concrete strength, load eccentricity, cross section and slenderness. The strengths, load-deflection diagrams and
failure patterns of the columns were observed. In addition, the tested CFDST and DCFST columns were analyzed to attain the
capacity and load versus lateral deflection responses. The obtained theoretical results were compared with the test results. A
parametric study was also performed to research the effects of the ratio of eccentricity (e/Ho) slenderness ratio (L/r), Ho/to ratio,
Hi/ti ratio and the concrete compressive strength on the behavior of columns. In this work, the obtained results indicated that the
ductility and capacity of columns were affected by cross section, concrete strength, steel strength, loading eccentricity and
Key Words
carbon steel tube; concrete-filled steel tube; double skin; double steel; stainless steel tube
Serkan Tokgoz and Sedat Karaahmetli:1Department of Civil Engineering, Adana Alparslan Turkes Science and Technology University, Adana 01250, Turkey
Cengiz Dundar:Department of Civil Engineering, Toros University, Mersin 33340, Turkey
- Theoretical analysis of rotary hyperelastic variable thickness disk made of functionally graded materials Ahmad Soleimani, Mohsen Mahdavi Adeli, Farshad Zamani and Hamid Haghshenas Gorgani
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Abstract; Full Text (2153K) . | pages 39-49. | DOI: 10.12989/scs.2022.45.1.039 |
This research investigates a rotary disk with variable cross-section and incompressible hyperelastic material with
functionally graded properties in large hyperelastic deformations. For this purpose, a power relation has been used to express the
changes in cross-section and properties of hyperelastic material. So that (m) represents the changes in cross-section and (n)
represents the manner of changes in material properties. The constants used for hyperelastic material have been obtained from
experimental data. The obtained equations have been solved for different m, n, and (angular velocity) values, and the values of
radial stresses, tangential stresses, and elongation have been compared. The results show that m and n have a significant impact
on disk behavior, so the expected behavior of the disk can be obtained by an optimal selection of these two parameters.
Key Words
deformation demand; earthquake resistant design philosophy; limit states; structural damage states; levels of
earthquake shaking
Ahmad Soleimani:Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Jiroft, Jiroft, Iran
Mohsen Mahdavi Adeli:Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sousangerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sousangerd, Iran
Farshad Zamani:Department of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan 84156-83111, Iran
Hamid Haghshenas Gorgan:4Engineering Graphics Center, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
- Axial load-strain relationships of partially encased composite columns with H-shaped steel sections Papan Bangprasit, Worakarn Anuntasena and Akhrawat Lenwari
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Abstract; Full Text (3082K) . | pages 051-66. | DOI: 10.12989/scs.2022.45.1.051 |
This paper presents the axial compression behavior of partially encased composite (PEC) columns using H-shaped
structural steel. In the experimental program, a total of eight PEC columns with H-shaped steel sections of different flange and
web slenderness ratios were tested to investigate the interactive mechanism between steel and concrete. The test results showed
that the PEC columns could sustain the load well beyond the peak load provided that the flange slenderness ratio was not greater
than five. In addition, the previous analytical model was extended to predict the axial load-strain relationships of the PEC
columns with H-shaped steel sections. A good agreement between the predicted load-strain relationships and test data was
observed. Using the analytical model, the effects of compressive strength of concrete (21 to 69 MPa), yield strength of steel (245
to 525 MPa), slenderness ratio of flange (4 to 10), and slenderness ratio of web (10 to 25) on the interactive mechanism (Kh =
confinement factor for highly confined concrete and Kw = reduction factor for steel web) and ductility index (DI = ratio between
strain at peak load and strain at proportional load) were assessed. The numerical results showed that the slenderness of steel
flange and yield strength of steel significantly influenced the compression behavior of the PEC columns.
Key Words
analytical model; composite column; compressive strength; confined concrete; partial encasement
Papan Bangprasit, Worakarn Anuntasena and Akhrawat Lenwari:Composite Structures Research Unit, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
Chulalongkorn University, Phayathai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok, Thailand 10330
- Study on stability and free vibration behavior of porous FGM beams Riadh Bennai, Redhwane Ait Atmane, Fabrice Bernard, Mokhtar Nebab, Noureddine Mahmoudi, Hassen Ait Atmane, Salem Mohammed Aldosariand Abdelouahed Tounsi
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Abstract; Full Text (1813K) . | pages 67-82. | DOI: 10.12989/scs.2022.45.1.067 |
In this paper, buckling and free vibration of imperfect, functionally graded beams, including porosities, are
investigated, using a higher order shear strain theory. Due to defects during the manufacturing process, micro porosities may
appear in the material, hence the appearance of this imperfection in the structure. The material properties of the beams are
assumed to vary regularly, with power and sigmoid law, in the direction of thickness. A novel porosity distribution affecting the
functionally graded volume fraction is presented. For the compact formulation used for cementite-based materials and already
used in P-FGM, we have adapted it for the distribution of S-FGM. The equations of motion in the FG beam are derived using
Hamilton's principle. The boundary conditions for beam FG are assumed to be simply supported. Navier's solution is used to
obtain the closed form solutions of the FG beam. The numerical results of this work are compared with those of other published
research to verify accuracy and reliability. The comparisons of different shear shape functions, the influence of porosity,
thickness and inhomogeneity parameters on buckling and free vibration of the FG beam are all discussed. It is established that
the present work is more precise than certain theories developed previously.
Key Words
buckling; free vibration; functionally graded beams; high order shear deformation theory; porosity
coefficient; porosity
Riadh Bennai:1)Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University Hassiba Benbouali of Chlef, Algeria
2)Laboratory of Structures, Geotechnics and Risks, Department of Civil Engineering, Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef, Algeria
Redhwane Ait Atmane:Material and Hydrology Laboratory, University of Sidi Bel Abbes, Faculty of Technology, Civil Engineering Department, Algeria
Fabrice Bernard:LGCGM, IINSA RENNES France
Mokhtar Nebab:1)Laboratory of Structures, Geotechnics and Risks, Department of Civil Engineering, Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef, Algeria
2)Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Sciences, University of M'Hamed BOUGARA Boumerdes, Algeria
Noureddine Mahmoudi:Department of mechanical engineering, university of Saida, Algeria
Hassen Ait Atmane:1)Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University Hassiba Benbouali of Chlef, Algeria
2)Laboratory of Structures, Geotechnics and Risks, Department of Civil Engineering, Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef, Algeria
Salem Mohammed Aldosari:1)Enhanced Composite and Structures Centre, School of Aerospace, Transport, and Manufacturing, Cranfield University,
Cranfield MK43 0AL, UK
2)National Center for Aviation Technology, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), Riyadh 11442, Saudi Arabia
Abdelouahed Tounsi:1)Material and Hydrology Laboratory, University of Sidi Bel Abbes, Faculty of Technology, Civil Engineering Department, Algeria
2)YFL (Yonsei Frontier Lab), Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
- Numerical investigation on seismic behaviors of midrise special moment resistant frame retrofitted by timber-base bracings Ainullah-Mirzazadah and Saeed-Reza Sabbagh-Yazdi
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Abstract; Full Text (2761K) . | pages 83-100. | DOI: 10.12989/scs.2022.45.1.083 |
Timber is one of the few natural, renewable building materials and glulam is a type of engineering wood product. In
the present work, timber-based braces are applied for retrofitting midrise Special Moment Resisting Frame (SMRF) using two
types of timber base braces (Timber base glulam, and hybrid Timber-Steel-BRB) as alternatives for retrofitting by traditional
steel bracings. The improving effects of adding the bracings to the SMRF on seismic characteristics of the frame are evaluated
using load-bearing capacity, energy dissipation, and story drifts of the frame. For evaluating the retrofitting effects on the seismic
performance of SMRF, a five-story SMRF is considered unretofitted and retrofitted with steel-hollow structural section (HSS)
brace, Glued Laminated Timber (Glulam) brace, and hybrid Timber-Steel BRB. Using OpenSees structural analyzer, the
performance are investigated under pushover, cyclic, and incremental loading. Results showed that steel-HSS, timber base
Glulam, and hybrid timber-steel BRB braces have more significant roles in energy dissipation, increasing stiffness, changing
capacity curves, reducing inter-story drifts, and reducing the weight of the frames, compared by steel bracing. Results showed
that Hybrid BRB counteract the negative post-yield stiffness, so their use is more beneficial on buildings where P-Delta effects
are more critical. It is found that the repair costs of the buildings with hybrid BRB will be less due to lower residual drifts. As a
result, timber steel-BRB has the best energy dissipation and seismic performance due to symmetrical and stable hysteresis
curves of buckling restrained braces that can experience the same capacities in tension and compression.
Key Words
cyclic analysis; incremental dynamic analysis; OpenSees; pushover analysis; steel moment frame; Timber
Base Bracing Alternatives
Ainullah-Mirzazadah and Saeed-Reza Sabbagh-Yazdi:Civil Engineering Department, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, No.1346, Vali Asr Street, Mirdamad Intersection, Tehran, Iran
- Experimental seismic behavior of RC special-shaped column to steel beam connections with steel jacket Jiashu Hao, Qingying Ren, Xingqian Li, Xizhi Zhang, Yongjun Ding and Shaohua Zhang
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Abstract; Full Text (2259K) . | pages 101-118. | DOI: 10.12989/scs.2022.45.1.101 |
The seismic performance of the reinforced concrete (RC) special-shaped column to steel beam connections with
steel jacket used in the RC column to steel beam fabricated frame structures was investigated in this study. The three full-scale
specimens were subjected to cyclic loading. The failure mode, ultimate bearing capacity, shear strength capacity, stiffness
degradation, energy dissipation capacity, and strain distribution of the specimens were studied by varying the steel jacket
thickness parameters. Test results indicate that the RC special-shaped column to steel beam connection with steel jacket is
reliable and has excellent seismic performance. The hysteresis curve is full and has excellent energy dissipation capacity. The
thickness of the steel jacket is an important parameter affecting the seismic performance of the proposed connections, and the
shear strength capacity, ductility, and initial stiffness of the specimens improve with the increase in the thickness of the steel
jacket. The calculation formula for the shear strength capacity of RC special-shaped column to steel beam connections with steel
jacket is proposed on the basis of the experimental results an
Key Words
numerical simulation; precast RC special-shaped column; prefabricated joint; RCS fabricated frame
structure; seismic behavior; shear capacity; steel jacket
Jiashu Hao and Xingqian Li:School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China
Qingying Ren:China Architecture Design & Res Grp, Beijing, China
Xizhi Zhang:1)Tianjin University Research Institute of Architectural Design & Urban planning, Tianjin, China
2)Key Laboratory of Civil Engineering Structures and New Materials Laboratory, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China
Yongjun Ding and Shaohua Zhang:Tianjin University Research Institute of Architectural Design & Urban planning, Tianjin, China
- Combining different forms of statistical energy analysis to predict vibrations in a steel box girder comprising periodic stiffening ribs Hao Luo, Zhiyang Cao, Xun Zhang, Cong Li and Derui Kong
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Abstract; Full Text (1919K) . | pages 119-131. | DOI: 10.12989/scs.2022.45.1.119 |
Due to the complexity of the structure and the limits of classical SEA, a combined SEA approach is employed, with
angle-dependent SEA in the low- and mid-frequency ranges and advanced SEA (ASEA) considering indirect coupling in the
high-frequency range. As an important component of the steel box girder, the dynamic response of an L-junction periodic ribbed
plate is calculated first by the combined SEA and validated by the impact hammer test and finite element method (FEM).
Results show that the indirect coupling due to the periodicity of stiffened plate is significant at high frequencies and may cause
the error to reach 38.4 dB. Hence, the incident bending wave angle cannot be ignored in comparison to classical SEA. The
combined SEA is then extended to investigate the vibration properties of the steel box girder. The bending wave transmission
study is likewise carried out to gain further physical insight into indirect coupling. By comparison with FEM and classical SEA,
this approach yields good accuracy for calculating the dynamic responses of the steel box girder made of periodic ribbed plates
in a wide frequency range. Furthermore, the influences of some important parameters are discussed, and suggestions for
vibration and noise control are provided.
Key Words
bending wave; periodic ribbed plate; SEA; steel box girder; vibration
Hao Luo, Zhiyang Cao:Department of Bridge Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China
Xun Zhang:1)Department of Bridge Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China
2)MOE Key Laboratory of High-Speed Railway Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China
Cong Li:Department of Bridge Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China
Derui Kong:Department of Bridge Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China
- Experimental and analytical study on RC beam reinforced with SFCB of different fiber volume ratios under flexural loading Jia-Xiang Lin, Yong-Jian Cai, Ze-Ming Yang, Shu-Hua Xiao, Zhan-Biao Chen, Li-Juan Li, Yong-Chang Guo and Fei-Fei Wei
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Abstract; Full Text (2400K) . | pages 133-145. | DOI: 10.12989/scs.2022.45.1.133 |
Steel fiber composite bar (SFCB) is a novel type of reinforcement, which has good ductility and durability
performance. Due to the unique pseudo strain hardening tensile behavior of SFCB, different flexural behavior is expected of
SFCB reinforced concrete (SFCB-RC) beams from traditional steel bar reinforced concrete (S-RC) beams and FRP bar
reinforced concrete (F-RC) beams. To investigate the flexural behavior of SFCB-RC beam, four points bending tests were
carried out and different flexural behaviors between S/F/SFCB-RC beams were discussed. An flexural analytical model of
SFCB-RC beams is proposed and proved by the current and existing experimental results. Based on the proposed model, the
influence of the fiber volume ratio R of the SFCB on the flexural behavior of SFCB-RC beams is discussed. The results show
that the proposed model is effective for all S/F/SFCB-RC flexural members. Fiber volume ratio R is a key parameter affecting
the flexural behavior of SFCB-RC. By controlling the fiber volume ratio of SFCB reinforcements, the flexural behavior of the
SFCB-RC flexural members such as bearing capacity, bending stiffness, ductility and repairability of SFCB-RC structures can
be designed.
Key Words
concrete flexural member; fiber volume ratios; flexural behavior; GFRP; steel fiber composite bar
Jia-Xiang Lin, Yong-Jian Cai, Ze-Ming Yang, Shu-Hua Xiao, Zhan-Biao Chen, Li-Juan Li,
Yong-Chang Guo and Fei-Fei Wei:School of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China
- Experimental analysis of damage in short-fiber-reinforced composite waste polyethylene terephthalate as a pile foundation material Hongseok Jang, Segwan Seo and Daesung Cho
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Abstract; Full Text (2270K) . | pages 147-157. | DOI: 10.12989/scs.2022.45.1.147 |
This study assessed the compressive and tensile strengths and modulus of elasticity of waste polyethylene
terephthalate (PET) using the ASTM standard tests. In addition, short carbon and glass fibers were mixed with waste PET to
examine the improvements in ductility and strength during compression. The bonding was examined via field-emission scanning
electron microscopy. The strength degradation of the waste PET tested under UV was 40–50%. However, it had a compressive
strength of 32.37 MPa (equivalent to that of concrete), tensile strength of 31.83 MPa (approximately ten times that of concrete),
and a unit weight of 12–13 kN/m3 (approximately half that of concrete). A finite element analysis showed that, compared with
concrete, a waste PET pile foundation can support approximately 1.3 times greater loads. Mixing reinforcing fibers with waste
PET further mitigated this, thereby extending ductility. Waste PET holds excellent potential for use in foundation piles,
especially while mitigating brittleness using short reinforcing fibers and avoiding UV degradation.
Key Words
finite element analysis; recycled thermoplastics; short fiber; waste polyethylene terephthalate
Hongseok Jang:Department of Architectural Engineering, Innovative research and education center for integrated bioactive materials-BK21 FOUR,
Jeonbuk National University, 567 Baekje-daero, deokjin-gu, Jeonju 54896, Republic of Korea
Segwan Seo and Daesung Cho:Department of Research institution, ZIAN Co. Ltd., Wanju 55338, Republic of Korea
- Experimental analysis of damage in short-fiber-reinforced composite waste polyethylene terephthalate as a pile foundation material Hongseok Jang, Segwan Seo and Daesung Cho
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Abstract; Full Text (2270K) . | pages 147-157. | DOI: 10.12989/scs.2022.45.1.147 |
This study assessed the compressive and tensile strengths and modulus of elasticity of waste polyethylene
terephthalate (PET) using the ASTM standard tests. In addition, short carbon and glass fibers were mixed with waste PET to
examine the improvements in ductility and strength during compression. The bonding was examined via field-emission scanning
electron microscopy. The strength degradation of the waste PET tested under UV was 40–50%. However, it had a compressive
strength of 32.37 MPa (equivalent to that of concrete), tensile strength of 31.83 MPa (approximately ten times that of concrete),
and a unit weight of 12–13 kN/m3 (approximately half that of concrete). A finite element analysis showed that, compared with
concrete, a waste PET pile foundation can support approximately 1.3 times greater loads. Mixing reinforcing fibers with waste
PET further mitigated this, thereby extending ductility. Waste PET holds excellent potential for use in foundation piles,
especially while mitigating brittleness using short reinforcing fibers and avoiding UV degradation.
Key Words
finite element analysis; recycled thermoplastics; short fiber; waste polyethylene terephthalate
Hongseok Jang:Department of Architectural Engineering, Innovative research and education center for integrated bioactive materials-BK21 FOUR,
Jeonbuk National University, 567 Baekje-daero, deokjin-gu, Jeonju 54896, Republic of Korea
Segwan Seo and Daesung Cho:Department of Research institution, ZIAN Co. Ltd., Wanju 55338, Republic of Korea