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Volume 4, Number 6, November 2017

The development systems for the Structural Health Monitoring has attracted considerable interest from several engineering fields during the last decades and more specifically in the aerospace one. In fact, the introduction of those systems could allow the transition of the maintenance strategy from a scheduled basis to a condition-based approach providing cost benefits for the companies. The research presented in this paper consists of a definition and next comparison of four methods applied to numerical measurements for the extraction of damage features. The first method is based on the determination of the Structural Intensity field at the on-resonance condition in order to acquire information about the dissipation of vibrational energy throughout the structure. The Damage Quantification Indicator and the Average Integrated Global Amplitude Criterion methods need the evaluation of the Frequency Response Function for a healthy plate and a damaged one. The main difference between these two parameters is their mathematical definition and therefore the accuracy of the scalar values provided as output. The fourth and last method is based on the Mode-shape Curvature, a FRF-based technique which requires the application of particular finite-difference schemes for the derivation of the curvature of the plate. All the methods have been assessed for several damage conditions (the shape, the extension and the intensity of the damage) on two test plates: an isotropic (steel) plate and a 4-plies composite plate.

Key Words
damage detection; structural intensity; curvature method

G. Petrone, A. Carzana, F. Ricci and S. De Rosa: Department of Industrial Engineering, Aerospace Section, University Federico II, Via Claudio 21, 80125 Naples, Italy

The objective of this paper is to obtain three-dimensional (3D) effective properties for layered composites with imperfect interfaces using mechanics of structure genome. The imperfect interface is modeled using linear traction-displacement model that allows small infinitesimal displacement jump across the interface. The predictions obtained from the current analysis are compared with the 3D finite element analysis (FEA). In this study, it is found that the present model shows excellent agreement with the results obtained using 3D FEA by employing periodic boundary conditions. The prediction also reveals that in-plane longitudinal and shear moduli, and all Poisson\'s ratios are observed to be not affected by the interfacial stiffness while the predictions of transverse longitudinal and shear moduli are significantly influenced by interfacial stiffness.

Key Words
mechanics of structure genome; imperfect interface; effective properties

Hamsasew Sertse and Wenbin Yu: School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, U.S.A.

For the past ten years\' efforts have been made to introduce environmentally-friendly \"green\" electric-taxi and maneuvering airplane systems. The stated purpose of e-taxi systems is to reduce the taxiing fuel expenses, expedite pushback procedures, reduce gate congestion, reduce ground crew involvement, and reduce noise and air pollution levels at large airports. Airplane-based autonomous traction electric motors receive power from airplane\'s APU(s) possibly supplemented by onboard batteries. Using additional battery energy storages ads significant inert weight. Systems utilizing nose-gear traction alone are often traction-limited posing serious dispatch problems that could disrupt airport operations. Existing APU capacities are insufficient to deliver power for tractive taxiing while also providing for power off-takes. In order to perform comparative and objective analysis of taxi tractive requirements a \"standard\" taxiing cycle has been proposed. An analysis of reasonably expected tractive resistances has to account for steepest taxiway and runway slopes, taxiing into strong headwind, minimum required coasting speeds, and minimum acceptable acceleration requirements due to runway incursions issues. A mathematical model of tractive resistances was developed and was tested using six different production airplanes all at the maximum taxi/ramp weights. The model estimates the tractive force, energy, average and peak power requirements. It has been estimated that required maximum net tractive force should be 10% to 15% of the taxi weight for safe and expeditious airport movements. Hence, airplanes can be dispatched to move independently if the operational tractive taxi coefficient is 0.1 or higher.

Key Words
airplane taxiing resistances; traction taxiing; electric taxiing; traction force; energy, and power; aerodynamic drag in the ground effect; wind resistance; tire dynamics; airport design

Nihad E. Daidzic:
1) AAR Aerospace Consulting, LLC, P.O. Box 208 Saint Peter, MN 56082-0208, USA
2) Minnesota State University, Mankato, MN 56001, USA

The aim of this study is to perform a finite element analysis of the Von Mises stresses distribution in the adhesive layer and of the J-Integral for a damaged plate repaired by a composite patch. Firstly, we study the effect of the fiber orientation, especially the position of the layers that have orientation angle different of 0o from the first layer which is in all cases of our study oriented at (0o) on the J-Integral. Secondly, we evaluate the effects of the mechanical properties of the patch and the use of a hybrid patch on the reduction of stresses distribution and J-Integral. The results show clearly that the stacking sequence for the composite patch must be selected to absorb optimally the stresses from the damaged area and to position the various layers of the composite under the first layer whose fibers orientation will remain in all cases equal to 0o. The use of a hybrid composite reduces significantly the J-Integral and the stresses in both damaged plate and the adhesive layer.

Key Words
plane-strain; numerical simulation; composites; damage analysis; delamination; fibre composite multilayer plates; modelling

D. Ait Kaci, K. Madani and M. Mokhtari: Laboratoire Mécanique Physique des Matériaux (LMPM), Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of SidiBel Abbes, Sidi Bel Abbes 22000, Algeria
X. Feaugas and S. Touzain: LaSIE, UMR7356, Laboratoire des Sciences de l\'Ingénieur pour l\'Environnement, Universite La Rochelle, Av. Michel Crepeau, 17042 La Rochelle, France

One of the components that used in the satellite thermal control subsystem is the Mechanically Pumped Fluid Loop (MPFL) system; this system mostly used in geosynchronous orbit (GEO) satellites, and can transfer heat from a hot point to a cold point using the fluid which circulated in a closed loop. Heat radiates to the deep space at the cold plate to cool down the fluid temperature. In this research, the radiative heatexchanger (RHX) for a MPFL system is optimized. The genetic algorithm has been used for minimizing the total mass and pressure drop by considering a constant transferred heat rate at the heat exchanger. The optimization has been done in two cases. In case I, two parameters are considered as a goal function, so optimization is performed using NSGA-II method. Results of optimization are shown in the pareto diagram. In case II, the diameter of pipe is considered constant, so the optimized value for distances of the parallel pipes is obtained by using the genetic algorithm, in which the system has the least total mass. Results show that in the RHX, by increasing the pipe diameter, pressure drop decreases and total mass increases. Also by considering a constant value for pipe diameter, an optimum distance between pipes and pipe length are obtained in which the system has a minimum mass.

Key Words
mechanically pumped fluid loop (MPFL); geosynchronous orbit satellite (GEO); optimization; genetic algorithm (GA)

Behzad Mohasel Afshari, Mohsen Abedi and Mehran Shahryari: Satellite Research Institute (SRI), Iranian Space Research Center (ISRC), #74, Saadatabad St., Tehran, Iran

This article is concerned with a two-dimensional problem of micropolar generalized thermoelasticity for a half-space whose surface is traction-free and the conductive temperature at the surface of the half-space is known. Theory of two-temperature generalized thermoelasticity with phase lags using the normal mode analysis is used to solve the present problem. The formulas of conductive and mechanical temperatures, displacement, micro-rotation, stresses and couple stresses are obtained. The considered quantities are illustrated graphically and their behaviors are discussed with suitable comparisons. The present results are compared with those obtained according to one temperature theory. It is concluded that both conductive heat wave and thermodynamical heat wave should be separated. The two-temperature theory describes the behavior of particles of elastic body more real than one-temperature theory.

Key Words
thermoelasticity; thermoelastic plane waves; micropolar material; two temperatures theory; heat transfer

A. E. Abouelregal: Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura 35516, Egypt
A. M. Zenkour:
1) Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia
2) Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Kafrelsheikh University, Kafrelsheikh 33516, Egypt

This investigation highlights rationale of electrically conductive nano adhesives for its essential application for Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Shielding in satellites and Lightning Strike Protection in aircrafts. Carbon Nano Fibres (CNF) were functionalized by electroless process using Tollen\'s reagent and by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition (PECVD) process by depositing silver on CNF. Different weight percentage of CNF and silver coated CNF were reinforced into the epoxy resin hardener system. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) micrographs clearly show the presence of CNF in the epoxy matrix, thus giving enough evidence to show that dispersion is uniform. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) studies reveal that there is uniform deposition of silver on CNF resulting in significant improvement in interfacial adhesion with epoxy matrix. There is a considerable increase in thermal stability of the conductive nano adhesive demonstrated by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA). Four probe conductivity meters clearly shows a substantial increase in the electrical conductivity of silver coated CNF-epoxy composite compared to non-coated CNF-epoxy composite. Tensile test results clearly show that there is a significant increase in the tensile strength of silver coated CNF-composites compared to non-coated CNF-epoxy composites. Consequently, this technology is highly desirable for satellites and EMI Shielding and will open a new dimension in space research.

Key Words
nanocomposite; spacecraft structural design; carbon nanotubes; unmanned aerial vehicles; carbon fibre composites

M. Gokul Ganesh, K. Lavenya, K. A. Kirubashini, G. Ajeesh and Shantanu Bhowmik: Department of Aerospace Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore,
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amrita University, Coimbatore-641112, India
Jayantha Ananda Epaarachchi: School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, QLD 4350, Australia
Xiaowen Yuan: School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Massey University, New Zealand

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