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Volume 1, Number 2, April 2014 |
- Strong formulation finite element method for arbitrarily shaped laminated plates – Part I. Theoretical analysis Nicholas Fantuzzi and Francesco Tornabene
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Abstract; Full Text (1796K) . | pages 125-143. | DOI: 10.12989/aas.2014.1.2.125 |
This paper provides a new technique for solving the static analysis of arbitrarily shaped composite plates by using Strong Formulation Finite Element Method (SFEM). Several papers in literature by the authors have presented the proposed technique as an extension of the classic Generalized Differential Quadrature (GDQ) procedure. The present methodology joins the high accuracy of the strong formulation with the versatility of the well-known Finite Element Method (FEM). The continuity conditions among the elements is carried out by the compatibility or continuity conditions. The mapping technique is used to transform both the governing differential equations and the compatibility conditions between two adjacent sub-domains into the regular master element in the computational space. The numerical implementation of the global algebraic system obtained by the technique at issue is easy and straightforward. The main novelty of this paper is the application of the stress and strain recovery once the displacement parameters are evaluated. Computer investigations concerning a large number of composite plates have been carried out. SFEM results are compared with those presented in literature and a perfect agreement is observed.
Key Words
static analysis; arbitrarily shaped plates; stress and strain recovery; generalized differential quadrature; strong formulation finite element method
Nicholas Fantuzzi and Francesco Tornabene: Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials - DICAM, University of Bologna, Viale del Risorgimento 2, 40136, Bologna, Italy
- Strong formulation finite element method for arbitrarily shaped laminated plates – Part II. Numerical analysis Nicholas Fantuzzi and Francesco Tornabene
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Abstract; Full Text (4980K) . | pages 145-175. | DOI: 10.12989/aas.2014.1.2.145 |
The results of a series of numerical experiments are presented to verify some of the important developments made in the first part of this paper. Firstly, the static solution of an algebraic system obtained through Strong Formulation Finite Element Method (SFEM) is presented. Secondly, the stress and strain recovery procedure is descripted for the present technique. It will be clear that the present approach is suitable for any strong formulation finite element methodology, due to the presented general approach based on the unknown displacements and on the elasticity equations. Thirdly, the numerical solutions for some classical and other numerical results found in literature are exposed. Finally, an arbitrarily shaped composite plate is solved and good agreement is observed for all the presented cases.
Key Words
static analysis; arbitrarily shaped plates; stress and strain recovery; generalized differential quadrature; strong formulation finite element method
Nicholas Fantuzzi and Francesco Tornabene : Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials - DICAM, University of Bologna,Viale del Risorgimento 2, 40136, Bologna, Italy
A theoretical exploration for determining the characteristic length of the cohesive zone for a double cantilever beam (DCB) specimen under mode I loading was conducted. Two traction-separation laws were studied: (i) a law with only a linear elastic stage from zero to full traction strength; and (ii) a bilinear traction law illustrating a progressive softening stage. Two analytical solutions were derived for the first law, which fit well into two existing solution groups. A transcendental equation was derived for the bilinear traction law, and a graphical method was presented to identify the resultant cohesive zone length. The study using the bilinear traction law enabled the theoretical investigation of the individual effects of cohesive law parameters (i.e., strength, stiffness, and fracture energy) on the cohesive zone length. Correlations between the theoretical and finite element (FE) results were assessed. Effects of traction law parameters on the cohesive zone length were discussed.
Key Words
cohesive zone length; traction law; theoretical solutions
Gang Li and Chun Li : Aerospace, National Research Council Canada M-3, 1200 Montreal Road, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0R6
- An optimization framework to tackle challenging cargo accommodation tasks in space engineering Giorgio Fasano, Cristina Gastaldia, Annamaria Pirasb and Dario Saiac
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Abstract; Full Text (3219K) . | pages 197-218. | DOI: 10.12989/aas.2014.1.2.197 |
Quite a demanding task frequently arises in space engineering, when dealing with the cargo accommodation of modules and vehicles. The objective of this effort usually aims at maximizing the loaded cargo, or, at least, at meeting the logistic requirements posed by the space agencies. Complex accommodation rules are supposed to be taken into account, in compliance with strict balancing conditions and very tight operational restrictions. The context of the International Space Station (ISS) has paved the way for a relevant research and development activity, providing the company with a remarkable expertise in the field. CAST (Cargo Accommodation Support Tool) is a dedicated in-house software package (funded by the European Space Agency, ESA, and achieved by Thales Alenia Space), to carry out the whole loading of the Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV). An ad hoc version, tailored to the Columbus (ISS attached laboratory) on-board stowage issue, has been further implemented and is to be used from now on. This article surveys the overall approach followed, highlighting the advantages of the methodology put forward, both in terms of solution quality and time saving, through an overview of the outcomes obtained to date. Insights on possible extensions to further space applications, especially in the perspective of the paramount challenges of the near future, are, in addition, presented.
Key Words
analytical cargo accommodation; space module/vehicle loading optimization; static/dynamic balancing; operational constraints; non-standard packing problems with additional conditions; loading optimization; International Space Station (ISS) logistic support; (Columbus) on-board stowage; Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV, ESA) cargo accommodation
Giorgio Fasano, Cristina Gastaldia, Annamaria Pirasb and Dario Saiac : Thales Alenia Space Strada Antica di Collegno 253, 10146 Torino (TO), Italy
- Evolving swarm of UAVs T-Z. Chia, Hayong Chengb, J.R. Pagec and N A Ahmed
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Abstract; Full Text (1548K) . | pages 219-232. | DOI: 10.12989/aas.2014.1.2.219 |
This paper reports on an ongoing study investigating the feasibility of using an evolutionary method to develop the rules governing Self-Organised (SO) systems for use in swarms of unmanned aerial vehicles. In general, it is difficult to design swarm systems that follow explicit global behaviour. Unlike optimising a predefined objective function, the solution to the problem is the emergent behaviour in the SO systems which results from simultaneous interactions among agents and between agents and their environment. In this study, evolutionary algorithms are used to investigate their control and effectiveness in synthesising the weighting of different rules on SO emergent behaviour. Both homogeneous swarms and heterogeneous swarms were considered though the results provided are for a case study investigating the simplest problem a homogeneous swarm without mutation. Though simple this study does indicate the potential of the approach.
Key Words
evolution; multi-agent; self-organising swarms; search and rescue
T-Z. Chia, Hayong Chengb, J.R. Pagec and N A Ahmed : School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, 2052, Australia
- Design criteria for birdstrike damage on windshield Francesco Marulo and Michele Guida
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Abstract; Full Text (3064K) . | pages 233-251. | DOI: 10.12989/aas.2014.1.2.233 |
Each aircraft have to be certified for a specified level of impact energy, for assuring the capability of a safe flight and landing after the impact against a bird at cruise speed. The aim of this research work was to define a scientific and methodological approach to the study of the birdstrike phenomenon against several windshield geometries. A series of numerical simulations have been performed using the explicit finite element solver code LS-Dyna, in order to estimate the windshield-surround structure capability to absorb the bird impact energy, safely and efficiently, according to EASA Certification Specifications 25.631 (2011). The research considers the results obtained about a parametric numerical analysis of a simplified, but realistic, square flat windshield model, as reported in the last work (Grimaldi et al. 2013), where this model was subjected to the impact of a 1.8 kg bird model at 155 m/s to estimate the sensitivity of the target geometry, the impact angle, and the plate curvature on the impact response of the windshield structure. Then on the basis of these results in this paper the topic is focused about the development of a numerical simulation on a complete aircraft windshield-surround model with an innovative configuration. Both simulations have used a FE-SPH coupled approach for the fluid-structure interaction. The main achievement of this research has been the collection of analysis and results obtained on both simplified realistic and complete model analysis, addressed to approach with gained confidence the birdstrike problem. Guidelines for setting up a certification test, together with a design proposal for a test article are an important result of such simulations.
Key Words
finite element analysis; SPH approach; high velocity impact; birdstrike scenario; glass composite material; windshield component
Francesco Marulo and Michele Guida : Department of Industrial Engineering – Aerospace branch, University of Naples