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    Prof. Jeong Yong Lee
    Department of Materials Science and Eng.
    Korea Advanced Institute of Sci. & Tech.
    Daejeon 34141, Korea

    Prof. Seunghwa Ryu
    Department of Mechanical Eng.
    Korea Advanced Institute of Sci. & Tech.
    Daejeon 34141, Korea

Associate Editor
    Prof. Mohamed Henini
    Department of Applied Physics
    The University of Nottingham,
    Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK

    Prof. Richard J. Spontak
    Dept. of Chem.&Biomol. Eng.&Mater. Sci. Eng.
    North Carolina State University
    Raleigh, NC 27695, USA

    Prof. Mengtao Sun
    School of Mathematics and Physics
    University of Science and Technology
    Beijing, 100083, PR China

    Prof. Abdelouahed Tounsi
    Department of Civil Engineering
    University of Sidi Bel Abbes
    22000 Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria

    Prof. Umapada Pal
    Institute of Physics
    Autonomous University of Puebla
    72000 Puebla, Mexico

Managing Editor
    Prof. Chang-Koon Choi
    Korea Advanced Institute of Sci. & Tech.
    Daejeon 34141, Korea

 SCIE (Impact factor: 4.3)
ISSN:2287-237X(Print) ISSN:2287-2388(Online)
Vol.16/17 (12 issues) for 2024, Monthly
Hybrid Open Access journal: there is an Optional Open Access Fee of USD 795.
For correspondence:
Aims and Scope

The Journal of Advances in Nano Research is an international and interdisciplinary peer reviewed journal. The journal aims to integrate high quality contributions from scientists and engineers alike into a single source of information that serves broad scientific audience. The journal publishes original full research articles, short communications for rapid print of research findings, and review articles. The Journal will also print special reports that feature recent discoveries with potential impact or commentary on a state-of-the-art contribution reported in the scientific literature. The journal anticipates contributions in the synthesis, fabrication, characterization and applications of nanomaterials and nanosystems, molecular simulations and nano-x (nanophysics, nanochemistry, nanotubes, nanobiotechnology, nanomedicine, nanoptics, nanoelectronics, nanomachines/nanodevices, nanocatalysis, nanocomposites, nanomechanics/nanofluidics, etc.)
Editorial Board
Prof. Shaikh Ahmed
Southern Illinois Univ at Carbondale
Carbondale IL 62901, USA

Prof. E.C. Aifantis
Aristotle Univ of Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki 541 24, Greece

Prof. Metin Aydogdu
Trakya Univ
22 050-Elm, Edirne, Turkey

Dr. Paola Castrucci
Univ of Roma Tor Vergata
Roma 00133, Italy

Dr. Siang-Piao Chai
Monash Univ
Selangor, Malaysia

Dr. Sheng-Po Chang
National Cheng Kung University
Tainan , Taiwan

Prof. Lung-Chien Chen
Nat'l Taipei Unive of Tech
Taipei 10608, Taiwan

Dr. Gianni Ciofani
Italian Inst of Tech
16163 Genova, Italy

Prof. Bo Cui
Univ of Waterloo
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada

Dr. Gennadi Emelchenko
Inst of Solid State Physics
Moscow 142432, Russia

Prof. Morteza Eslamian
Univ of Michigan
Germantown, MD 20874, USA

Dr. Polykarpos Falaras
NCSR 'Demokritos'
Athens 153 10, Greece

Prof. Hicham Fenniri
Northeastern Univ
Boston, MA, USA

Prof. Marcos Fernandez-Garcia
Inst of Catalysis & Petrochemistry, Spain

Dr. Hamid M. Sedighi
Shahid Chamran Univ. of Ahvaz
Ahvaz, Iran
Dr. Liang (Alex) Gao
Chroma Tech Corp
VT 05101, USA

Prof. Anil Vithal Ghule
Shivaji Univ, Kolhapur
416004, Maharashtra, India

Prof. Chang-Sik Ha
Pusan Nat'l Univ
Busan, 46269, Korea

Prof. Yu Han
King Abdullah Univ
Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Michele Iafisco
National Research Council
Faenza, RA, Italy

Prof. Xuchuan Jiang
Univ of New South Wales
Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia

Prof. Niranjan Karak
Tezpur Univ
Tezpur-784028, Assam, India

Prof. Michael Keidar
The George Washington Univ
Washington DC 20052, USA

Prof. Vladimir Kukushkin
Russian Academy of Sci.
Moscow, 119991, Russia

Dr. Lifeng Liu
Int'l Iberian Nanotech Lab
4715-330 Braga, Portugal

Dr. Malik Maaza
iThemba LABS-Nat'l Res Found of South Africa
Somerset West 7129, South Africa

Dr. Suresha K. Mahadeva
Univ of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada

Dr. Yogendra Kumar Mishra
Univ of Southern Denmark
6400 Sønderborg, Denmark

Prof. Juan Eduardo Escrig Murua
Univ of Santiago de Chile
O'Higgins 3117, Santiago, Chile

Prof. M. Parans Paranthaman
Univ of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996, USA

Prof. John A. Peter
Govt Art & Sci College
Tamil Nadu, India
Dr. V. Rajendran
K.S. Rangasamy College of Tech
Tiruchengode- 637 215, India

Dr. Elena A. Rozhkova
Argonne Nat'l Lab
Argonne, IL 60439, USA

Prof. Alexander Samardak
Far Eastern Federal Univ
Vladivostok, Russia

Prof. Karthik Shankar
Univ of Alberta
Edmonton AB T6G 2R3, Canada

Prof. Young-Seok Shon
California State Univ
Long Beach CA 90840, USA

Prof. Liangfeng Sun
Bowling Green State Univ
Bowling Green, OH 43403, USA

Prof. Ujjal Kumar Sur
Univ of Kolkata
Kolkata, 700032, India

Dr. Youhong Tang
Flinders Univ
Adelaide, 5042, Australia

Prof. Vinoy Thomas
Univ of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, AL 35294, USA

Prof. Francisco Torrens
Univ of Valencia
Valencia E-46071, Spain

Prof. Giovanni Valdre
Univ of Bologna
40126 Bologna, Italy

Prof. Chuanyi Wang
Chinese Academy of Sci.
Beijing 100190, China

Prof. Zengbo Wang
Bangor Univ
Gwynedd, LL57 2DG, UK

Prof. Xuefeng Yu
Shenzhen Inst Adv Tech
Shenzhen, P.R. China

Prof. Min Seok Jang
Daejeon, Korea
Guide to Authors (Last updated: Oct 25, 2023)

1. Submission of the paper
Authors are asked to submit manuscripts in PDF (or Latex) format electronically through the Techno-Press Manuscript Upload System (TeMUS) ( Exceptionally, the special issue papers may be directly submitted to the Guest Editor. If you have difficulties in using TeMUS, please contact us at[]. On receiving submitted papers, the system will issue the paper ID and Password to the corresponding author which may be conveniently used to check the status of submitted papers. Authors should carefully check if their paper satisfied all the requirements in the preliminary list before submission.

2. Preparation of the manuscript
General : The manuscripts should be in English and typed with single column and single line spacing on single side of A4 paper. Submitted papers will be published in regular technical paper only. The first page of an article should contain; (1) a title of paper which well reflects the contents of the paper (Arial, 16pt), (2) all the name(s) and affiliations(s) of authors(s) (Arial, 12pt), (3) an abstract of 100~250 words (Times New Roman, 11pt), (4) 5-10 keywords following the abstract, and (5) footnote (personal title and email address of the corresponding author (required) and other authors' (not mandatory)). The paper should be concluded by proper conclusions which reflect the findings in the paper. The normal length of the technical paper should be about 12-24 journal pages. Authors are advised to read the details in the Authors' Guide for guide and Template.
Tables and figures : Tables and figures should be consecutively numbered and have short titles. They should be referred to in the text as following examples (e.g., Fig. 1(a), Figs. 1 and 2, Figs. 1(a)-(d) / Table 1, Tables 1-2), etc. Tables should have borders (1/2pt plane line) with the captions right before the table. Figures should be properly located in the text as an editable image file (.jpg) with captions on the lower cell. All of the original figures and tables are required to be placed at the suitable locations in the text.
Units and mathematical expressions : It is desirable that units of measurements and abbreviations should follow the System Internationale (SI) except where the other unit system is more suitable. The numbers identifying the displayed mathematical expression should be placed in the parentheses and referred to in the text as following examples (e.g., Eq. (1), Eqs. (1)-(2)). Mathematical expressions must be inserted as an object (set as Microsoft Equations 3.0) for Microsoft Word 2007 and after versions. Image-copied text or equations are not acceptable unless they are editable. The raised and lowered fonts cannot be used for superscription and subscription.
References : A list of references which reflect the current state of technology in the field locates after conclusions of the paper. For details to prepare the list of references and cite them in the text, authors are advised to follow the introduction and the sample list in the Authors' Guide.

3. Review
All the submitted papers that have passed the preliminary check by the editors will undergo a rigorous peer-review process to judge their significance and originality. Those papers positively recommended by at least two expert reviewers will be finally accepted for publication in the Techno-Press Journals or after any required modifications are made.

4. Proofs
Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author to correct any typesetting errors. Alterations to the original manuscript will not be accepted at this stage. Proofs should be returned within 48 hours of receipt.

5. Copyright
Submission of an article to a Techno-Press Journal implies that it presents the original and unpublished work, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. On acceptance of the submitted manuscript, it is implied that the copyright thereof is transferred to the Techno-Press. The Agreement of Authorship, Originality, and Copyright Transfer must be signed and submitted.

6. Ethics
General: Techno-Press applies research and publication ethics standards based on COPE's International Standards for Editors and Authors ( Violation of publication ethics will result in the activation of COPE flow chart. (
Authorship: Authors are encouraged to check ICMJE's guideline for authorship. ( Authorship problems will be dealt with according to COPE flowcharts. (

7. Open Access
There is an option of publishing your paper as Open Access. When you receive a formal acceptance email, you will find a link that you may click on to pay the Article Processing Charge (APC) for Open Access publishing.

Forthcoming Articles
Tentative titles of forthcoming papers

* KA Dawson New separation technologies for nanoparticle-cell mixtures; * Dr. K Harigaya Electron density distribution of bilayer nanographene and band structures of boron carbon nitride systems; * Dr. VPS Awana Impact of nano particles doping on high performance of MgB2 superconductor; * Prof. IC Gebeshuber Bionanoconvergence: challenges and prospects; * Prof. M Maaza Photoinduced phenomena in selected nano-structured oxides; * Dr. U Pal Controlling the morphology of ZnO nanostructures in ultrasonic synthesis; * Dr. U Pal Thermo- and photoluminescence behaviors of Ag-doped ZnO nanoparticles; * Dr. D. Keidar A review of ultracapacitors based on carbon nanotubes and graphene; * Prof. GA Emelchenko Development of porous nanostructures with inverse opal lattice; * Prof. M Fernandez-Garcia Ag, Cu and Zn promoted TiO2 photo-killing activity: a comparison of inorganic powders and polymer-based nanocomposite films; * Prof. A Tounsi Nonlocal effects on thermal buckling properties of double-walled carbon nanotubes; * Prof. V Kessler Synthesis of small late transition metal and alloy nanoparticles by Bradley reaction; * Prof. J Badur Generalized boundary conditions for Navier-Stokes equations accounting friction and mobility nano-forces; * Prof. YS Shon Preparation of bimetallic nanoisland films from layer-by-layer assembled nanoparticle multi-layers; * Dr. SP Chai Preparation of superhydrophobic thin films using non-aligned carbon nanotubes; * Prof. AN Nazarov High-resolution electrical and surface morphological characterization of nanoscaled carbon channel cold emitters fabricated on basis of carbon-rich a-SiC layers; * Prof. JEE Murua Magnetic nanotubes: reversal modes and interactions;

Some prospective authors

* Dr. CA Barbero; * Dr. R Boukherroub; * Prof. EL Bourhis; * Dr. P Castrucci; * Dr. P Falaras; * Dr. GG Gruzadyan; * Dr. SJ Haam; * Prof. Y Han; * Prof. N Hanagata; * Prof. JY Lee; * Prof. JF Lin; * Dr. IL Medintz; * Prof. F Mollaamin; * Dr. SMS Murshed; * Prof. V Narayanan; * Prof. VH Phan; * Dr. A Phuruangrat; * Prof. N Pugno; * Dr. F Torrens; * Dr. G Valdre
Table of Contents.
  • 2024  Volume 17      No. 1      No.2    No.3    No.4
  • 2024  Volume 16      No. 1      No.2    No.3    No.4    No.5    No.6
  • 2023  Volume 15      No. 1      No.2    No.3    No.4    No.5    No.6
  • 2023  Volume 14      No. 1      No.2    No.3    No.4    No.5    No.6
  • 2022  Volume 13      No. 1      No.2    No.3    No.4    No.5    No.6
  • 2022  Volume 12      No. 1      No.2    No.3    No.4    No.5    No.6
  • 2021  Volume 11      No. 1      No.2    No.3    No.4    No.5    No.6
  • 2021  Volume 10      No. 1      No.2    No.3    No.4    No.5    No.6
  • 2020  Volume 9      No. 1      No.2    No.3    No.4
  • 2020  Volume 8      No. 1      No.2    No.3    No.4
  • 2019  Volume 7      No. 1      No.2    No.3    No.4    No.5    No.6
  • 2018  Volume 6      No. 1      No.2    No.3    No.4
  • 2017  Volume 5      No. 1      No.2    No.3    No.4
  • 2016  Volume 4      No. 1      No.2    No.3    No.4
  • 2015  Volume 3      No. 1      No.2    No.3    No.4
  • 2014  Volume 2      No. 1      No.2    No.3    No.4
  • 2013  Volume 1      No. 1      No.2    No.3    No.4


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    Advances in Nano Research
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