- Themes/Conferences
- Mini Symposium Organizers
- Invited/Keynote Lectures
- General Program
- Poster Session
Invited/Keynote Lectures
* Alphabetical Order

Prof. Fabio Casciati
- Affiliation: Zhejiang University, China
- Title of Conference: The 2023 International Conference on Smart Structures and Systems (ICSSS23)
- Title of Talk: Suspension Bridges with Railway Crossing: Potentially-Innovative Options
Prof. Arnold Dix
- Affiliation: President, International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association, Australia
- Title of Conference: The 2023 International Conference on Tunnels and Underground Spaces (ICTUS23)
- Title of Talk: Resilience and Sustainability in Underground Space ? Embracing the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals

Prof. Seokwon Jeon
- Affiliation: President, International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea
- Title of Conference: The 2023 International Conference on Tunnels and Underground Spaces (ICTUS23)
- Title of Talk: Advances in rock fragmentation technologies
Prof. Seung-Eock Kim
- Affiliation: Sejong University, Korea
- Title of Conference: The 2023 International Conference on Steel and Composite Structures (ICSCS23)
- Title of Talk: Direct Design of Composite Structures Using Practical Nonlinear Inelastic Analysis

Prof. Phill-Seung Lee
- Affiliation: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea
- Title of Conference: The 2021 International Conference on Innovative Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ISEM23)
- Title of Talk: Performance of the MITC3+ and MITC4+ shell finite elements
Prof. Halil Sezen
- Affiliation: The Ohio State University, USA
- Title of Conference: The 2023 International Conference on Earthquakes and Structures (ICEAS23)
- Title of Talk: Seismic Collapse Performance of Reinforced Concrete Buildings
Prof. Brian Uy
- Affiliation: University of Sydney, Australia
- Title of Conference: The 2023 International Conference on Steel and Composite Structures (ICSCS23)
- Title of Talk: Behaviour and design of steel-concrete composite walls for tall buildings