- Themes/Conferences
- Mini Symposium Organizers
- Invited/Keynote Lectures
- General Program
- Poster Session
Invited/Keynote Lectures
* Alphabetical Order

Prof. Mary Beth Hueste
- Affiliation: Texas A&M University, USA
- Title of Conference: The 2021 International Conference on Earthquakes and Structures (ICEAS21)
- Title of Talk: Performance-based seismic assessment of slab-column frames

Prof. Seung Hwa Ryu
- Affiliation: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea
- Title of Conference: The 2021 International Conference on Innovative Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ISEM21)
- Title of Talk: Machine learning based design of composite structures

Prof. In Gwun Jang
- Affiliation: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea
- Title of Conference: The 2021 International Conference on Innovative Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ISEM21)
- Title of Talk: Topology optimization-based bone microstructure reconstruction from CT scan data

Prof. Thomas Kang
- Affiliation: Seoul National University, Korea
- Title of Conference: The 2021 International Conference on Earthquakes and Structures (ICEAS21)
- Title of Talk: Seismic resistance of precast and prefabricated structures with pure dry connections

Prof. Sashi Kunnath
- Affiliation: University of California at Davis, USA
- Title of Conference: The 2021 International Conference on Computational Technologies in Concrete Structures (ICTCS21)
- Title of Talk: Review of ASCE-41 acceptance criteria for performance-based assessment of existing steel frame buildings
Mr. Jeremy Lee
- Affiliation: Herrenknecht Asia Headquarters Korea Branch, Korea
- Title of Conference: The 2021 International Conference on Tunnels and Underground Spaces (ICTUS21)
- Title of Talk: Latest developments in shield TBM selections & design for mechanized tunnelling

Prof. Phill-Seung Lee
- Affiliation: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea
- Title of Conference: The 2021 International Conference on Innovative Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ISEM21)
- Title of Talk: On the application of deep learning in the finite element method

Prof. Hui Li
- Affiliation: Harbin Institute of Technology, China
- Title of Conference: The 2021 International Conference on Smart Structures and Systems (ICSSS21)
- Title of Talk: Machine learning-based structural health monitoring

Mr. Pengyu Li
- Affiliation: China Railway Engineering Equipment Group Co., Ltd, China
- Title of Conference: The 2021 International Conference on Tunnels and Underground Spaces (ICTUS21)
- Title of Talk: Research and application of TBM safe, efficient and intelligent tunneling technology
Prof. Giorgio Monti
- Affiliation: La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
- Title of Conference: The 2021 International Conference on Computational Technologies in Concrete Structures (ICTCS21)
- Title of Talk: Global factor method for safe non-linear analyses

Prof. Hyun Myung
- Affiliation: KAIST, Korea
- Title of Conference: The 2021 International Conference on Advances in Robotics Research (ICARR21)
- Title of Talk: Autonomous robot navigation technologies for smart cities

Mr. Thomas Peinsitt
- Affiliation: Sandvik Mining and Construction G.m.b.H
- Title of Conference: The 2021 International Conference on Tunnels and Underground Spaces (ICTUS21)
- Title of Talk: Tunneling with roadheader technology

Prof. Brian Uy
- Affiliation: University of Sydney, Australia
- Title of Conference: The 2021 International Conference on Steel and Composite Structures (ICSCS21)
- Title of Talk: Applications, behaviour and design of high performance steel and composite structures