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Volume 27, Number 3, May10 2018

This paper deals with the transient dynamic analysis and elastic wave propagation in a functionally graded graphene platelets (FGGPLs)-reinforced composite thick hollow cylinder, which is subjected to shock loading. A micromechanical model based on the Halpin-Tsai model and rule of mixture is modified for nonlinear functionally graded distributions of graphene platelets (GPLs) in polymer matrix of composites. The governing equations are derived for an axisymmetric FGGPLs-reinforced composite cylinder with a finite length and then solved using a hybrid meshless method based on the generalized finite difference (GFD) and Newmark finite difference methods. A numerical time discretization is performed for the dynamic problem using the Newmark method. The dynamic behaviors of the displacements and stresses are obtained and discussed in detail using the modified micromechanical model and meshless GFD method. The effects of the reinforcement of the composite cylinder by GPLs on the elastic wave propagations in both displacement and stress fields are obtained for various parameters. It is concluded that the proposed micromechanical model and also the meshless GFD method have a high capability to simulate the composite structures under shock loadings, which are reinforced by FGGPLs. It is shown that the modified micromechanical model and solution technique based on the meshless GFD method are accurate. Also, the time histories of the field variables are shown for various parameters.

Key Words
graphene platelets; generalized finite difference method; micromechanical model; wave propagation; shock loadings; reinforced structures

(1) Seyed Mahmoud Hosseini:
Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi university of Mashhad, PO Box:91775-1111, Mashhad, Iran;
(2) Chuanzeng Zhang:
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Siegen, Paul-Bonatz-Str. 9-11, D-57076 Siegen, Germany.

Nonlinear low velocity impact response of sandwich beam with laminated composite face sheets and soft core is studied based on Extended High Order Sandwich Panel Theory (EHSAPT). The face sheets follow the Third order shear deformation beam theory (TSDT) that has hitherto not reported in conventional EHSAPT. Besides, the two dimensional elasticity is used for the core. The nonlinear Von Karman type relations for strains of face sheets and the core are adopted. Contact force between the impactor and the beam is obtained using the modified Hertz law. The field equations are derived via the Ritz based applied to the total energy of the system. The solution is obtained in the time domain by implementing the well-known Runge-Kutta method. The effects of boundary conditions, core-to-face sheet thickness ratio, initial velocity of the impactor, the impactor mass and position of the impactor are studied in detail. It is found that each of these parameters have significant effect on the impact characteristics which should be considered. Finally, some low velocity impact tests have been carried out by Drop Hammer Testing Machine. The contact force histories predicted by EHSAPT are in good agreement with that obtained by experimental results.

Key Words
sandwich beam; low velocity impact; high order sandwich theory; nonlinear analysis; Ritz method

(1) Sattar Jedari Salami:
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Damavand branch, Islamic Azad University, Damavand, Iran;
(2) Soheil Dariushi:
Department of Composite, Iran polymer and petrochemical Institute, Tehran-Karaj highway, Pajuhesh Boulevard, Tehran, Iran.

In this paper, the bearing capacity of a non-eccentric and eccentric tubular, concrete-filled, steel bridge pier was studied through the finite element method. Firstly, to verify the validity of the numerical analysis, the finite element analysis of four steel tube columns with concrete in-fill was carried out under eccentric loading and horizontal cyclic loading. The analytical results were compared with experimental data. Secondly, the effects of the eccentricity of the vertical loading on the seismic performance of these eccentrically loaded steel tubular bridge piers were considered. According to the simulated results, with increasing eccentricity ratio, the bearing capacity on the eccentric side of a steel tubular bridge pier (with concrete in-fill) is greatly reduced, while the capacity on the opposite side is improved. Moreover, an empirical formula was proposed to describe the bearing capacity of such bridge piers under non-eccentric and eccentric load. This will provide theoretical evidence for the seismic design of the eccentrically loaded steel tubular bridge piers with concrete in-fill.

Key Words
steel tubular bridge pier; concrete in-fill; bearing capacity; eccentricity; numerical analysis

(1) Weining Sui:
School of civil engineering, Shenyang Jianzhu University, No. 9, Hunnan East Road, Hunnan New District, Shenyang,110168, China;
(2) Haobo Cheng, Zhanfei Wang:
Traffic Engineering College, Shenyang Jianzhu University, No. 9, Hunnan East Road, Hunnan New District, Shenyang, 110168, China.

A simple and efficient numerical optimization approach for the lightweight optimal design of composite laminated beams is presented in this paper. The proposed procedure is a combination between the finite element method (FEM) and a global optimization algorithm developed recently, namely Jaya. In the present procedure, the advantages of FEM and Jaya are exploited, where FEM is used to analyze the behavior of beam, and Jaya is modified and applied to solve formed optimization problems. In the optimization problems, the objective aims to minimize the overall weight of beam; and fiber volume fractions, thicknesses and fiber orientation angles of layers are selected as design variables. The constraints include the restriction on the first fundamental frequency and the boundaries of design variables. Several numerical examples with different design scenarios are executed. The influence of the design variable types and the boundary conditions of beam on the optimal results is investigated. Moreover, the performance of Jaya is compared with that of the well-known methods, viz. differential evolution (DE), genetic algorithm (GA), and particle swarm optimization (PSO). The obtained results reveal that the proposed approach is efficient and provides better solutions than those acquired by the compared methods.

Key Words
Jaya algorithm; lightweight design optimization; laminated composite beams; frequency constraints

(1) V. Ho-Huu, T. Vo-Duy, D. Duong-Gia, T. Nguyen-Thoi:
Division of Computational Mathematics and Engineering, Institute for Computational Science, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam;
(2) V. Ho-Huu, T. Vo-Duy, D. Duong-Gia, T. Nguyen-Thoi:
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

This article presents the bending analysis of FGM rectangular plates resting on non-uniform elastic foundations in thermal environment. Theoretical formulations are based on a recently developed refined shear deformation theory. The displacement field of the present theory is chosen based on nonlinear variations in the in-plane displacements through the thickness of the plate. The present theory satisfies the free transverse shear stress conditions on the top and bottom surfaces of the plate without using shear correction factor. Unlike the conventional trigonometric shear deformation theory, the present refined shear deformation theory contains only four unknowns as against five in case of other shear deformation theories. The material properties of the functionally graded plates are assumed to vary continuously through the thickness, according to a simple power law distribution of the volume fraction of the constituents. The elastic foundation is modeled as non-uniform foundation. The results of the shear deformation theories are compared together. Numerical examples cover the effects of the gradient index, plate aspect ratio, side-to-thickness ratio and elastic foundation parameters on the thermo-mechanical behavior of functionally graded plates. Numerical results show that the present theory can archive accuracy comparable to the existing higher order shear deformation theories that contain more number of unknowns.

Key Words
refined plate theory; thermal environment; FGM; elastic foundations

Département des Sciences et de la Technologie, centre universitaire de Tissemsilt, BP 38004 Ben Hamouda, Algérie.

This paper presents structural assessment of a steel railway bridge for current condition using modal parameter to upgrade finite element modeling in order to gather accurate result. An adequate monitoring, such as acceleration, displacement, strain monitoring, is important tool to understand behavior and to assess structural performance of the structure under surround vibration by means of the dynamic analysis. Evaluation of conditions of an existing steel railway bridge consist of 4 decks, three of them are 14 m, one of them is 9.7 m, was performed with a numerical analysis and a series of dynamic tests. Numerical analysis was performed implementing finite element model of the bridge using SAP2000 software. Dynamic tests were performed by collecting acceleration data caused by surrounding vibrations and dynamic analysis is performed by Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) using collected acceleration data. The acceleration response of the steel bridge is assumed to be governing response quantity for structural assessment and provide valuable information about the current statute of the structure. Modal identification determined based on response of the structure play significant role for upgrading finite element model of the structure and helping structural evaluation. Numerical and experimental dynamic properties are compared and finite element model of the bridge is updated by changing of material properties to reduce the differences between the results. In this paper, an existing steel railway bridge with four spans is evaluated by finite element model improved using operational modal analysis. Structural analysis performed for the bridge both for original and calibrated models, and results are compared. It is demonstrated that differences in natural frequencies are reduced between 0.2% to 5% by calibrating finite element modeling and stiffness properties.

Key Words
steel bridges; operational modal analysis; structural safety

(1) Bengi Arisoy:
Department of Civil Engineering, Ege University, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey;
(2) Osman Erol:
Turkish Republic Railways, 3rd Regional Directorate (TCDD), Alsancak, Izmir, Turkey.

In previous weak-axis moment connection tests, brittle fracture always initiated near the edge of the beam flange groove weld due to force flow towards the stiffer column flanges, which is the opposite pattern as strong-axis moment connections. As part of the China NSFC (51278061) study, this paper tested two full-scale novel weak-axis reduced beam section moment connections, including one exterior frame connection specimen SJ-1 under beam end monotonic loading and one interior frame joint specimen SJ-2 under column top cyclic loading. Test results showed that these two specimens were able to satisfy the demands of FEMA-267 (1995) or ANSI/AISC 341-10 (2010) without experiencing brittle fracture. A parametric analysis using the finite element software ABAQUS was carried out to better understand the cyclic performance of the novel weak-axis reduced beam section moment connections, and the influence of the distance between skin plate and reduced beam section, a, the length of the reduced beam section, b, and the cutting depth of the reduced beam section, c, on the cyclic performance was analyzed. It was found that increasing three parametric values reasonably is beneficial to forming beam plastic hinges, and increasing the parameter a is conducive to reducing stress concentration of beam flange groove welds while increasing the parameters b and c can only reduce the peak stress of beam flange groove welds. The rules recommended by FEMA350 (2000) are suitable for designing the proposed weak-axis RBS moment connection, and a proven calculation formulation is given to determine the thickness of skin plate, the key components in the proposed weak-axis connections. Based on the experimental and numerical results, a design procedure for the proposed weak-axis RBS moment connections was developed.

Key Words
steel frame; weak-axis connection; bending connection; panel zone; I-section column; H-shaped beam

(1) Linfeng Lu, Yinglu Xu, Jie Liu:
School of civil engineering, Chang&339;an University, 75 Chang'an Middle Rd, Xi'an, PR China;
(2) James B.P. Lim:
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Auckland (City Campus), Engineering Building, 20 Symonds Street, Auckland, New Zealand.

In steel-concrete composite beams, longitudinal shear forces are transferred across steel flange-concrete slab interface by means of shear connectors. The connector behavior is highly non-linear and involves several complex mechanisms. The design resistance and stiffness of composite beams depends on the shear connection behavior and the accuracy in the connector resistance prediction is essential. However determining the stud shear resistance is not an easy process: analytical methods do not give an adequate response to this problem and it is therefore necessary to use experimental methods. This paper present a summary of the main procedures to predict the resistance of the stud shear connectors embedded in solid slab, and stud shear connectors in composite slab using profiled steel sheeting with rib perpendicular to steel beam. A large number of experimental studies on the behavior of stud shear connectors and reported in the literature are also summarized. A comparison of the stud shear resistance prediction using six reference codes (AISC, AASHTO, Eurocode-4, GB50017, JSCE and AS-2327.1) and other procedures reported in the literature against experimental results is presented. From this exercise, it is concluded that there are still inaccuracies in the prediction of stud shear resistance in all analysed procedures and that improvements are needed.

Key Words
stud shear connectors; stud shear resistance; composite beams; profiled steel sheeting; push-out test

(1) Jorge Bonilla:
Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Ciego de Ávila, Cuba;
(2) Luciano M. Bezerra:
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Brasília, Brazil;
(3) Enrique Mirambell:
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Polytechnic University of Catalunya, Spain;
(4) Bruno Massicotte:
Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering, Polytechnic Montreal, Canada.

In this paper, a new model based on nonlocal high order theory is proposed to study the size effect on the bending of nano-sandwich beams with a compliance core. In this model, in contrast to most of the available sandwich theories, no prior assumptions are made with respect to the displacement field in the core. Herein the displacement and the stress fields of the core are obtained through an elasticity solution. Equations of motion and boundary conditions for nano-sandwich beam are derived by using Hamilton's principle and an analytical solution is presented for simply supported nano-sandwich beam. The results are validated with previous studies in the literature. These results can be utilized in the study of nano-sensors and nano-actuators. The effect of nonlocal parameter, Young's modulus of the core and aspect ratio on the deflection of the nano-sandwich beam is investigated. It is concluded that by including the small-scale effects, the deflection of the skins is increased and by increasing the nonlocal parameter, the influence of small-scale effects on the deflections is increased.

Key Words
nano-sandwich; bending; high order theory; nonlocal theory

Smart Structures and New Advanced Materials Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran.

A perforated shear connector group is commonly used to transfer shear in steel–concrete composite structures when the traditional shear stud connection is not strong enough. The multi-hole perforated shear connector demonstrates a more complicated behavior than the single connector. The internal force distribution in a specific multi-hole perforated shear connector group has not been thoroughly studied. This study focuses on the load-carrying capacity and shear force distribution of multi-hole perforated shear connectors in steel.concrete composite structures. ANSYS is used to develop a three-dimensional finite element model to simulate the behavior of multi-hole perforated connectors. Material and geometric nonlinearities are considered in the model to identify the failure modes, ultimate strength, and load–slip behavior of the connection. A three-layer model is introduced and a closed-form solution for the shear force distribution is developed to facilitate design calculations. The shear force distribution curve of the multi-hole shear connector is catenary, and the efficiency coefficient must be considered in different limit states.

Key Words
steel-concrete structure; perforated shear connector; numerical simulation; mechanical model; efficiency coefficient

(1) Xing Wei, Shiling Pei:
Department of Bridge Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China;
(2) M. Shariati:
Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran;
(3) Y. Zandi, S. Gharachurlu:
Department of Civil Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Tabriz, Iran;
(4) Zhibin Jin:
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, USA;
(5) M.M. Abdullahi:
Department of Civil Engineering, Jubail University College, Royal Commission of Jubail and Yanbu, Jubail, Saudi Arabia;
(6) M. Shariati, M.M. Tahir:
UTM Construction Research Centre, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute for Smart Infrastructure and Innovative Construction, UTM, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia;
(7) M. Khorami:
Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Universidad Tecnologica Equinoccial, Calle Rumipamba s/n y Bourgeois, Quito, Ecuador.

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