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Volume 3, Number 5, September 2012 |
- Characterization of earthquake ground motion of multiple sequences Abbas Moustafa and Izuru Takewaki
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Abstract; Full Text (5456K) . | pages 629-647. | DOI: 10.12989/eas.2012.3.5.629 |
Multiple acceleration sequences of earthquake ground motions have been observed in many regions of the world. Such ground motions can cause large damage to the structures due to accumulation of inelastic deformation from the repeated sequences. The dynamic analysis of inelastic structures under repeated acceleration sequences generated from simulated and recorded accelerograms without sequences has been recently studied. However, the characteristics of recorded earthquake ground motions of multiple sequences have not been studied yet. This paper investigates the gross characteristics of earthquake records of multiple sequences from an engineering perspective. The definition of the effective number of
acceleration sequences of the ground shaking is introduced. The implication of the acceleration sequences on the structural response and damage of inelastic structures is also studied. A set of sixty accelerograms is used to demonstrate the general properties of repeated acceleration sequences and to investigate the associated structural inelastic response.
Key Words
ground motion; acceleration sequences; inelastic structures; damage index
Abbas Moustafa: Department of Civil Engineering, Minia University, Minia 61111, Egypt; Izuru Takewaki: Dept. of Architecture & Architectural Engineering, Kyoto University,
Kyotodaigaku-Katsura, Kyoto, 615-8540, Japan
- Impact of multiple component deterioration and exposure conditions on seismic vulnerability of concrete bridges Jayadipta Ghosh and Jamie E. Padgett
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Abstract; Full Text (6215K) . | pages 649-673. | DOI: 10.12989/eas.2012.3.5.649 |
Recent studies have highlighted the importance of accounting for aging and deterioration of bridges when estimating their seismic vulnerability. Effects of structural degradation of multiple bridge components, variations in bridge geometry, and comparison of different environmental exposure conditions have traditionally been ignored in the development of seismic fragility curves for aging concrete highway bridges. This study focuses on the degradation of multiple bridge components of a geometrically varying bridge class, as opposed to a single bridge sample, to arrive at time-dependent seismic bridge fragility curves. The effects of different exposure conditions are also explored to assess the impact of severity of the environment on bridge seismic vulnerability. The proposed methodology is demonstrated on a
representative class of aging multi-span reinforced concrete girder bridges typical of the Central and
Southeastern United States. The results reveal the importance of considering multiple deterioration mechanisms, including the significance of degrading elastomeric bearings along with the corroding reinforced concrete columns, in fragility modeling of aging bridge classes. Additionally, assessment of the relative severity of exposure to marine atmospheric, marine sea-splash and deicing salts, and shows 5%, 9% and 44% reduction, respectively, in the median value bridge fragility for the complete damage state relative to the as-built pristine structure.
Key Words
seismic fragility; bridge class; aging; corrosion; probability
Jayadipta Ghosh and Jamie E. Padgett: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77005, USA
- Origin of the anomalously large upward acceleration associated with the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake Hideo Takabatake and Motohiro Matsuoka
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Abstract; Full Text (4224K) . | pages 675-694. | DOI: 10.12989/eas.2012.3.5.675 |
The 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake (Mw 6.9, Mjma 7.2) occurred on 14 June 2008 in Japan. The amplification and asymmetric waveform of the vertical acceleration at the ground surface recorded by accelerometers at station IWTH25, situated 3 km from the source, were remarkable in two ways. First, the vertical acceleration was extremely large (PGA = 38.66 m/s2 for the vertical component, PGA = 42.78 m/s2 for the sum of the three components). Second, an unusual asymmetric waveform, which is too far above the zero acceleration axis, as well as large upward spikes were observed. Using a multidegree-of-freedom (MDF) system consisting of a one-dimensional continuum subjected to vertical acceleration recorded at a depth of 260 m below ground level, the present paper clarifies numerically that
these singular phenomena in the surface vertical acceleration records occurred as a result of the jumping
and collision of a layer in vertical motion. We herein propose a new mechanism for such jumping and collision of ground layers. The unexpected extensive landslides that occurred in the area around the epicenter are believed to have been produced by such jumping under the influence of vertical acceleration.
Key Words
vertical motion; 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake; unprecedented vertical acceleration; jumping; collision; push up; earthquake resistance
Hideo Takabatake and Motohiro Matsuoka: Department of Architecture, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Institute of Disaster and Environmental Science 3-1, Yatsukaho, Hakusan City, Ishikawa 924-0838, Japan
- Seismic induced damageability evaluation of steel buildings: a Fuzzy-TOPSIS method Anjuman Shahriar, Mehdi Modirzadeh, Rehan Sadiq and Solomon Tesfamariam
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Abstract; Full Text (3169K) . | pages 695-717. | DOI: 10.12989/eas.2012.3.5.695 |
Seismic resiliency of new buildings has improved over the years due to better seismic codes and design practices. However, there is still large number of vulnerable and seismically deficient buildings. It is not economically feasible to retrofit and upgrade all vulnerable buildings, thus there is a need for rapid screening tool. Many factors contribute to the damageability of buildings; this makes
seismic evaluation a complex multi-criteria decision making problem. Many of these factors are noncommensurable and involve subjectivity in evaluation that highlights the use of fuzzy-based method. In this paper, a risk-based framework earlier proposed by Tesfamariam and Saatcioglu (2008a) is extended using Fuzzy-TOPSIS method and applied to develop an evaluation and ranking scheme for steel buildings. The ranking is based on damageability that can help decision makers interpret the results and take
appropriate decision actions. Finally, the application of conceptual model is demonstrated through a case study of 1994 Northridge earthquake data on seismic damage of steel buildings.
Key Words
seismic evaluation; Fuzzy-TOPSIS; hierarchical structure; linguistic variables; Fuzzy sets; damageability; multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM)
Anjuman Shahriar, Mehdi Modirzadeh, Rehan Sadiq and Solomon Tesfamariam: Okanagan School of Engineering, The University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC, V1 V 1V7, Canada
- Numerical verification of a dual system\'s seismic response Marios C. Phocas and Tonia Sophocleous
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Abstract; Full Text (6066K) . | pages 749-766. | DOI: 10.12989/eas.2012.3.5.749 |
Structural control through integration of passive damping devices within the building structure has been increasingly implemented internationally in the last years and has proven to be a most promising strategy for earthquake safety. In the present paper an alternative configuration of an innovative energy dissipation mechanism that consists of slender tension only bracing members with closed loop and
a hysteretic damper is investigated in its dynamic behavior. The implementation of the adaptable dual control system, ADCS, in frame structures enables a dual function of the component members, leading to two practically uncoupled systems, i.e., the primary frame, responsible for the normal vertical and horizontal forces and the closed bracing-damper mechanism, for the earthquake forces and the necessary energy dissipation. Three representative international earthquake motions of differing frequency contents, duration and peak ground acceleration have been considered for the numerical verification of the effectiveness and properties of the SDOF systems with the proposed ADCS-configuration. The control mechanism may result in significant energy dissipation, when the geometrical and mechanical properties, i.e., stiffness and yield force of the integrated damper, are predefined. An optimum damper ratio, DR, defined as the ratio of the stiffness to the yield force of the hysteretic damper, is proposed to be used along with the stiffness factor of the damper
Key Words
structural control; energy dissipation; dual system
Marios C. Phocas and Tonia Sophocleous: Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Cyprus
75 Kallipoleos Str., P.O.Box 20537, 1678 Nicosia, Cyprus
- Seismic damage of long span steel tower suspension bridge considering strong aftershocks X. Xie, G. Lin, Y.F. Duan, J.L. Zhao and R.Z. Wang
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Abstract; Full Text (2876K) . | pages 767-781. | DOI: 10.12989/eas.2012.3.5.767 |
The residual capacity against collapse of a main shock-damaged bridge can be coupled with the aftershock ground motion hazard to make an objective decision on its probability of collapse in aftershocks. In this paper, a steel tower suspension bridge with a main span of 2000 m is adopted for a case-study. Seismic responses of the bridge in longitudinal and transversal directions are analyzed using dynamic elasto-plastic finite displacement theory. The analysis is conducted in two stages: main shock and
aftershocks. The ability of the main shock-damaged bridge to resist aftershocks is discussed. Results show that the damage caused by accumulated plastic strain can be ignored in the long-span suspension bridge. And under longitudinal and transversal seismic excitations, the damage is prone to occur at higher positions of the tower and the shaft-beam junctions. When aftershocks are not large enough to cause
plastic strain in the structure, the aftershock excitation can be ignored in the seismic damage analysis of the bridge. It is also found that the assessment of seismic damage can be determined by superposition of damage under independent action of seismic excitations.
Key Words
long-span suspension bridge; steel tower; main shock; aftershock; seismic damage
X. Xie, G. Lin, Y.F. Duan and J.L. Zhao: Department of Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310058, China; R.Z. Wang: Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering, Taipei, 10668, Taiwan, China