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Volume 11, Number 6, December 2022

This paper presents nonlinear oscillations of a carbon nanotube reinforced composite beam subjected to lateral harmonic load with damping effect based on the modified couple stress theory. As reinforcing phase, three different types of single walled carbon nanotubes distribution are considered through the thickness in polymeric matrix. The non-linear strain-displacement relationship is considered in the von Kármán nonlinearity. The governing nonlinear dynamic equation is derived with using of Hamilton's principle. The Galerkin's decomposition technique is utilized to discretize the governing nonlinear partial differential equation to nonlinear ordinary differential equation and then is solved by using of multiple time scale method. The frequency response equation and the forced vibration response of the system are obtained. Effects of patterns of reinforcement, volume fraction, excitation force and the length scale parameter on the nonlinear responses of the carbon nanotube reinforced composite beam are investigated.

Key Words
carbon nanotubes; composite beams; modified couple stress theory; nonlinear oscillations

M. Alimoradzadeh: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
Ş.D. Akbaş: Department of Civil Engineering, Bursa Technical University, 16330, Bursa, Turkey

Floods represent extreme hydrological phenomena that affect populations, environment, social, political, and ecological systems. After the catastrophic floods that have hit Europe and the World in recent decades, the flood problem has become more current. At the EU level, a legal framework has been put in place with the entry into force of Directive 2007/60/EC on Flood Risk Assessment and Management (Flood Directive). Two years after the entry into force of the Floods Directive, Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), has adopted a Regulation on the types and content of water protection plans, which takes key steps and activities under the Floods Directive. The "Methodology for developing flood hazard and risk maps" (Methodology) was developed for the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, following the methodology used in the majority of EU member states, but with certain modifications to the country's characteristics. Accordingly, activities for the preparation of the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment for each river basin district were completed in 2015 for the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Activities on the production of hazard maps and flood risk maps are in progress. The results of probable climate change impact model forecasts should be included in the preparation of the Flood Risk Management Plans, which is the subsequent phase of implementing the Flood Directive. By the foregoing, the paper will give an example of the development of the hydrodynamic model of the Zujevina River, as well as the development of hazard and risk maps. Hazard and risk maps have been prepared for medium probability floods of 1/100 as well as for high probability floods of 1/20. The results of LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) recording were used to create a digital terrain model (DMR). It was noticed that there are big differences between the flood maps obtained by recording LiDAR techniques in relation to the previous flood maps obtained using georeferenced topographic maps. Particular attention is given to explaining the Methodology applied in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Key Words
flood hazard maps; flood risk maps; GIS; HEC-RAS; hydraulic modeling

Emina Hadžič, Hata Milišić, Suvada Šuvalija, Ammar Šarić, Suada Sulejmanović: University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Patriotske Lige 30, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Giuseppe Tito Aronica: University of Messina, Department of Engineering, Contrada Di Dio, 98158 Sant

In this work we present an advanced approach to the design of small wind turbine support steel structures. To this end we use an improved version of previously developed geometrically exact beam models. Namely, three different geometrically exact beam models are used, the first two are the Reissner and the Kirchhoff beam models implementing bi-linear hardening response and the third is the Reissner beam capable of also representing connections response. All models were validated in our previous research for a static response, and in this work they are extended to dynamic response. With these advanced models, we can perform analysis of four practical solutions for the installation of small wind turbines in new or existing buildings including effects of elastoplastic response to vibration problems. The numerical simulations confirm the robustness of numerical models in analyzing vibration problems and the crucial effects of elastoplastic response in avoiding resonance phenomena.

Key Words
connection behavior; elastoplastic behavior; geometrically exact beam models; vibration problems; wind load

Ismar Imamovic: University of Sarajevo-Faculty of Civil Engineering, Patriotske lige 30, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Suljo LJukovac: University of Sarajevo-Faculty of Civil Engineering, Patriotske lige 30, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina; University of Technology Compiegne, Centre de Recherches Royallieu, Laboratory Roberval Mecanique, 60200 Compiegne, France
Adnan Ibrahimbegovic: University of Technology Compiegne, Centre de Recherches Royallieu, Laboratory Roberval Mecanique, 60200 Compiegne, France

Delamination of multilayered inhomogeneous beam that exhibits non-linear relaxation behavior is analyzed in the present paper. The layers are inhomogeneous in the thickness direction. The dealamination crack is located symmetrically with respect to the mid-span. The relaxation is treated by applying a non-linear stress-straintime constitutive relation. The material properties which are involved in the constitutive relation are distributed continuously along the thickness direction of the layer. The delamination is analyzed by applying the J-integral approach. A time-dependent solution to the J-integral that accounts for the non-linear relaxation behavior is derived. The delamination is studied also in terms of the time-dependent strain energy release rate. The balance of the energy is analyzed in order to obtain a non-linear time-dependent solution to the strain energy release rate. The fact that the strain energy release rate is identical with the J-integral value proves the correctness of the non-linear solutions derived in the present paper. The variation of the J-integral value with time due to the non-linear relaxation behavior is evaluated by applying the solution derived.

Key Words
delamination; inhomogeneous material; multilayered structure; non-linear relaxation; timedependent behavior

Victor I. Rizov: Department of Technical Mechanics, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy,
1 Chr. Smirnensky Blvd., 1046-Sofia, Bulgaria

In spite of extensive testing of the individual shear wall and the coupling beam (CB), numerical and experimental researches on the seismic behavior of CSW are insufficient. As far as we know, no previous research has investigated the affectations of position of CB regarding to the slab level (SL). So, the investigation aims to enhance an overarching framework to examine the consequence of connection positions between CB and SL. And, three cases have been created. One is composed of the floor slab (FS) at the top of the CB (FSTCB); the second is created with the FS within the panel depth (FSWCB), and the third is employed with the FS at the bottom of the CB (FSLCB). And, FEA is used to demonstrate the consequences of various CB positions with regard to the SL. Furthermore, the main measurements of structure response that have been investigated are deformation, shear, and moment in a coupled beam. Additionally, wall elements are used to simulate CB. In addition, ABAQUS software was used to figure out the strain distribution, shear stress for four stories to further understand the implications of slab position cases on the coupled beam rigidity. Overall, the findings show that the position of the rigid linkage among the CB and the FS can affect the behavior of the structures under seismic loads. For all structural heights (4, 8, 12 stories), the straining actions in FSWCB and FSLCB were less than those in FSTCB. And, the increases in displacement time history response for FSWCB are around 16.1-81.8%, 31.4-34.7%, and 17.5% of FSTCB.

Key Words
ABAQUS; coupling shear wall system; ETABS; finite elements; rigid link; slab level; wall element

Yasser Abdal Shafey Gamal: Department of Civil Engineering, High Institute of Engineering Technology, EL-Mina, Egypt
Lamiaa K. Idriss: Department of Civil Engineering, Sphinx university, Assiut, Egypt

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